Haves versus have-nots. Conservative versus liberal. Straight versus gay. Pro-life versus pro-choice. Republicans versus Democrats. The 1% versus the 99%. Left versus right. Secular versus sacred. Black versus white. Cable news channels fill their airtime with little boxes of talking heads each yelling at each other about who is right…
Faith of Our Father
“We repair what your husband fixed,” reads the sign at the auto repair shop. While mildly amusing, it is part of an ongoing narrative you see everywhere: incompetent husbands and fathers, blindly bumbling their way through life. Men are portrayed as barely being able to handle simple tasks, always in…
The Narrow Gate
Recently,Target stores made the news by announcing their policy that “We welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. Everyone deserves to feel like they belong.” Their policy means that if a man “feels like a woman” today,…
A new missionary visited a small village in a remote jungle, and, in his rudimentary skill in the native language, began preaching the Gospel. “Jesus will give you eternal life!” said the missionary. “Bawana!” shouted the natives. “You must not worship other gods!” said the missionary. “Bawana!” shouted the natives.…
The Breath of God
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was without shape and empty, and darkness was over the surface of the watery deep, but the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the water.” Imagine the Creation. Imagine the universe as a vast…
Passion for God
Believing in something you cannot explain is the true definition of faith. As Christians, we believe in many mysteries of God as part of our faith. We call these things mysteries because to us, as mortals, we cannot comprehend how they can be because they defy our mortal understanding. But…
All Things New
After the final judgement in Revelations 20, in Revelations 21 it speaks of God creating a new heaven and a new earth. Verse 5 says “And the one seated on the throne said: ‘Behold! I am making all things new!’” At the beginning of every new year, just about everyone…
The Most Precious Gift
After listening to the king the wise men left, and once again the star they saw when it rose led them until it stopped above the place where the child was. When they saw the star they shouted joyfully. As they came into the house and saw the child with…
Be Still
Cell phone. Computer. Laptop and iPad. Email and text message and Facebook. Twitter and Instagram. Snapchat. Youtube. ABC. CBS. NBC and Fox and CNN. CNBC. Fox News. Talk radio. Catholic radio. Music radio. Playlists. Status updates. Tweets. Live streams. Shhhh. Be still and know that I am the Lord. Football.…
Signs On The Road
One country morning, a pastor and his parochial vicar are out by a sign in front of their parish. The changeable letters were arranged to read, “Turn back now, the end is near!” As a car approaches they wave to try and get the driver’s attention. The driver slows down,…