Brother Knights, A holy hour will be held at St. Michael’s this Tuesday, November 8th, from 6-7pm to pray for Liz Greve and her intentions. Please make every effort to attend.
Urgent prayer request for Liz Greve
Brother Knights, I just heard that Liz Greve is at Riverside ER. She and the entire Greve family need your urgent prayers. Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided. Inspired…
All Souls Day: sung Requiem Mass & plenary indulgence info
Wednesday, November 2nd, is All Souls Day. While it is not a holy day of obligation, the Institute of Christ the King will celebrate a sung Latin Requiem Mass at 6:30PM at St. Leo’s Oratory in Merion Village. The address is 221 Hanford St, Columbus, OH 43206. If you have never been to…
The Saint Challenge
Brother Knights, As I mentioned at the last business meeting, I’m launching a new program called The Saint Challenge on All Saints Day. The Saint Challenge is a daily 90-second podcast or short email that gives you a brief story about the saint of the day, and challenge to complete…
Corporate Communion volunteer signup posted
I made a signup sheet for filling Corporate Communion slots for the next year. Please check your schedules and take a shift. Volunteer Opportunies
October Lecture – Faith, Hope, and Charity – delivered by Brother Richard Wade
This month is Rosary month, so I would ask all the Knights present to reach into their pocket and hold their Rosary aloft! Those of you who don’t have a Rosary with you, I would remind you of your promise made during your initiation to the Knights, a promise made…
Friendship Sunday – Final call for volunteers
Brother Knights, While we have some coverage for distributing donuts and coffee at the 8:30 and 10:30 Masses, we currently have no volunteers signed up for the 12:30 Mass this Sunday. Going to the 12:30 Mass this Sunday? Sign up now.
Friendship Sunday Volunteer Signups
Our Council has responsibility for friendship Sunday for October 2nd. We need volunteers to assist. Click here for the signup sheet
August Lecture – The Infant of Prague – delivered by Brother Brett Gissel
To your right as you enter St. Michael through the door by the main sacristy you will find a statue of the Infant of Prague. Many parishes have such a statue, but I never thought to understand this devotion until about 13 years ago. My home parish did not have…
Breaking News: Columbus City Council pledged an upcoming legislative package that spends $1 million in taxpayer money on pro-abortion and anti-life causes
Greater Columbus Right to Life shared the news that Columbus City Council is pledging support for a legislative package that: Provides more than a million dollars to support abortion by providing more than a million dollars to abortion advocacy organizations like Planned Parenthood, Pro-Choice Ohio, Ohio Abortion Fund (formerly WHOO),…