
Over the past century, there has been an explosion in the amount of statistics that are gathered on just about every topic. We collect unimaginable amounts of data points about an overwhelming number of subjects, then slice and dice that information into digestible bits for news stories on TV, in…

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Proposed Council Resolution

As proposed in new business at the February meeting, the following is a proposed resolution for Council 11445. Please review it in preparation for voting on its approval at the March business meeting. Knights of Columbus Council 11445 Marian Devotion WHEREAS, the Catholic Church honors the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother…

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Training Camp

Champion athletes are always asked, minutes after winning, “Can you do it again next year?” Vegas lays odds almost immediately on a repeat victory. But there are so many variables. So many things change between the end of one season and even the beginning of the next, let alone another…

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2018 Catholic Men’s Conference

Become Fishers of Men with this year’s Catholic Men’s Conference and welcome three internationally-renowned speakers to Cardinal Hall at the Ohio Expo Center! Saturday, February 24, 2018   8:00am – 3:00pm   On-site registration opens at 7:00am with Adoration beginning at 6:00am Discounted registration is available online here: Register

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On the opposite side of the equator, spring comes in August and September. And the monsoon rains in the mountains bring a flood of water down the Nile to Egypt. As we all learned in grade school, the desert stretches for hundreds of miles in every direction, but the banks…

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For years, the commercialization and secularization of Christmas has expanded at an ever-increasing rate. From companies that try to compete for this year’s “must have” gift to retailers putting out more and more Christmas merchandise earlier and earlier, there is no doubt that Christmas has become about all the wrong…

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Have you ever watched young children play? Really, truly, watched them, not just been in the area as a token adult while surfing on your cell phone, but observed them, listened to their conversations, marveled at their imaginations and creativity, heard their laughter and squeals of pure joy? How often…

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