We are postponing our meeting from Monday to Tuesday due to St. Valentine’s Day. The room is reserved – same room, same time, same everything, just a day later. Thanks!
Knights Christmas Social – Friday December 17th!
Brother Knights, Liz and I are hosting the Christmas social again this year, but we have moved again so there is a new new address. Please RSVP to me so that we can get a count for Brothers, wives, and girlfriends that will attend at the new new address. Our…
Knights Christmas Social – new new address!
Brother Knights, Liz and I are hosting the Christmas social again this year, but we have moved again so there is a new new address. Please RSVP to me so that we can get a count for Brothers, wives, and girlfriends that will attend at the new new address. Our…
November and December Social Meetings
Brother Knights, Liz and I are hosting the Christmas social again this year on Friday, December 17th. I will follow up in December with the details. This Wednesday at 7:30, I would like to get together at the Pub Out Back for a meeting for Knights (and prospective members if…
Assist the Hungry
Brothers – a parishioner has requested help retrieving groceries from the food pantry on Snouffer Rd. They would need to be picked up either Wednesday 3-6pm or Saturday 6:30-10:00 am and delivered to her apartment in Worthington. Please let me know if you are willing to help. Thanks, John
Fwd: Request for Assistance for a Seminarian
Please see the request below for help with cars for seminarians. Thanks! ———- Forwarded message ——— From: Knights of Columbus – Columbus Diocese Chapter Date: Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 10:49 AM Subject: Request for Assistance for a Seminarian To: John Greve How you can help two seminarians. [image: Knights…
Feed the Hungry
Brothers – for years, a group of Knights have picked up donations from Panera and delivered to the soup kitchen. Our Panera (in Lewis Center) closed permanently. We have scheduled a new Panera and a new night. Panera on Sawmill in front of Target. Wednesday night. The more volunteers we…
June 2021 Business Meeting
Our Knights of Columbus business meetings will resume in person at the parish this month. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks, John
Meeting tomorrow/Damo Scholarship
Reminders: There will be a live option tomorrow, let me know if you still need the details. The Damo Scholarship applications are due tomorrow as well. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, John
Meeting tomorrow at 7:30
Please let me know if you would like to join us in person this month. Thanks, John