St. Michael “Block Watch” Tonight

Brother Knights,
We are thankful for the ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Dobbs v. Jackson case on this blessed Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This certainly speaks to the power of prayer and the witness of so many who advocate for the respect for all human life. We are also mindful of threats planned by some groups based on this Supreme Court decision dubbed, “The Night of Rage”. The Department of Homeland Security is warning of threats of “extreme violence” against Catholic Churches:
While president Biden has “denounced” such actions (, the threat of vandalism, graffiti, and the like is real.
We have no specific known threats targeted at St. Michael, but we are asking brother Knights to sign-up in pairs and show up at our parish to keep vigil in two-hour increments from 6:00 pm tonight until 8:00 am tomorrow. The purpose is only to provide a constant presence that is prepared to alert authorities in the event of suspicious behavior, not to engage anyone. More details to follow for those who sign up.
John Greve
Grand Knight