Need For More Sunday Mass Ministry Volunteers

Brother Knights,
Our parish is in need of *volunteers to assist with Sunday Mass*. Please
read this and consider whether you can volunteer at Sunday Mass as either a
pre-scheduled volunteer or not.

The *number of volunteers needed for each of the 5 Sunday Mass is 6-14*.
This includes 2-5 Servers (including a Master of Ceremonies at some
Masses), 1-4 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC), 1 Lector,
and 2-4 Usherers/Greeters. This works out to about *56 volunteer spots*
over the course of the weekend *for Sunday Masses*. Even if we have 56
regular volunteers these people cannot always make it every week. *We need
more people to help and I am asking for help from our Knights of Columbus*.

The *Servers* are usually students in grades 4 and up. The M.C. can be an
older student or an adult that is properly trained. They need to be
available throughout Mass and in the sanctuary. *If you have a child in
grade 4 or higher, this may be a good volunteer opportunity for them.*

The *EMHC’s* are needed during the distribution of Communion. *If you are
able to help during this short period of time* and are not needed to help
with others (children or other family members that need someone with them
during Mass), then *please consider volunteering for this*.

*A side note on the need for EMHC’s. If you wonder why St. Michael has not
brought back the cup for the Precious Blood, it is because we do not have
enough EMHC’s to offer this on a regular basis.* My understanding is that
if we have enough EMHC regularly available for a Mass, then the parish
might be able to offer the cup during Communion. If you would like to see
the cup return, please consider volunteering as an EMHC.

The *Lectors* do the readings and usually sit in the sanctuary throughout
Mass. *If you are comfortable reading in front of large groups* and do not
need to sit with others during Mass, *please consider volunteering as a

The original intent of my email was to recruit more volunteers to serve as
Ushers and Greeters as that is where I serve and was asked to recruit more
volunteers. The *Ushers/Greeters* are responsible for welcoming people as
they enter church, assisting people with entering the building and finding
their way as needed, helping seat people during Mass as needed, doing the
collection(s), dismissing people from pews for Communion, assisting people
as situations/emergencies arise during Mass, handing out bulletins after
Mass, and doing a quick cleanup after Mass. *Ideally the people doing this
are at the back of church throughout Mass. We usually keep the back row
reserved so ushers can sit with their family.* *Even if you are only able
to help with the Collection I would like you to consider helping here. We
can work with you if you are willing to show up and help.*

All of the Sunday Mass ministries will require *some training* as well
as *completing
a parish Code Of Conduct form* and a *scheduling system form for the
Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP)*. I expect training to come soon after the
parish Ministry Fair weekend of March 2-3. The Code Of Conduct is
basically what it says. The MSP form is for the scheduling system, that
you understand how it is used, and to select your initial scheduling

Every one of these roles requires arriving about 15 minutes before Mass.
Otherwise the time commitment is as stated for each section along with the

Regarding the MSP system and how scheduling is done. *Each volunteer is
given the opportunity to set their Mass preferences so that they are only
scheduled for Mass times within their preferences. You will also be given
reminders to set up any dates that you are not available so that you are
not scheduled for Masses when you know you are not going to be available.
Currently the Servers, EMHC’s, Lectors, and Ushers/Greeters are scheduled
in advance a quarter at a time.*

*It is understood that some people want to help, but cannot commit a
quarter in advance for their weekend availability. If you are willing to
serve as an Usher/Greeter, but cannot commit to weekends a quarter in
advance, I still want to hear from you.* What we can do is have you as an
unscheduled usher/greeter and have you go through the schedule to sign up
for the weekends and Mass times that you are available after the schedule
is released. *Even though we will expect you to fill in your schedule,
your doing so will help our priests no when and where they have volunteers
to help with a good Sunday Mass experience for everyone so they don’t have
to try to find people just before Mass themselves.*

*Please consider volunteering with our Sunday Masses in a role that you
feel you would be able to help. This will help improve the Sunday Mass
experience for our parishioners and any visitors to our church.*

Thank you,
Brett Gissel