Prayer for priests during Convocation June 19-22

This is a letter from Fr Bill Hahn who is asking all men of the dioceses to cover our priests with prayer and sacrifice during their convocation with Bishop Fernandes on June 19-22. I know that we are getting many requests for prayers, but our priests are our link to Christ in the sacraments. They need our support as they work to lead us to heaven. Please click the link and type in your name to pray and fast for one of our priests.

Men of the Columbus Diocese (particularly those involved with the Knights of Columbus, Columbus Catholic Men’s Ministry, and Wilderness Outreach),

My name is Fr. Bill Hahn. I am the Vicar for Clergy for the Diocese of Columbus and I am asking for your help for our priests. As you probably know many of our priests have been under a lot of stress lately, especially if their parish is going to be in any way affected by the Real Presence Real Future decisions. Bishop Fernandes has invited all of the priests to a convocation with him June 19-22. This will be a time of support and encouragement for our priests. We are wanting to cover this event in prayer.

All of the faithful of the diocese are going to be asked to pray for them during the week by committing to an hour of prayer. However, as men, I want to particularly invite you to commit to praying and doing some form of penance (fasting, abstinence, or additional prayers, etc.) for a specific priest on a specific day during the convocation. This will be your way of walking with and supporting a father, a brother, during this time. We have created a site where you can sign up to cover a priest for a certain day.

Although the majority of the priests of the diocese are going to the convocation not all are or are able to. Therefore only the priests who have rsvp’d for the convocation are listed in this database.

If you find that the priest you were going to fast and pray for has a full team, please choose another. They all need our support.

Here is the link: Pray and Fast for our Priests <>

You will need to open Google Sheets

Thanks for the support, encouragement, and fraternity you share with our priests.

In Christ,
Fr Bill Hahn
Vicar for Clergy, Diocese of Columbus