Mirror of Patience Lover of Poverty Model of Workmen Pillar of Families Hope of the Sick Patron of the Dying Guardian of Virgins Zealous Defender of Christ Terror of Demons Protector of the Holy Church As you may have guessed, these are just a few of the monikers given to…
July Lecture: “We have to remember our past to preserve our future” – Delivered by Mike Gross
As a young man growing up, something my parents have instilled in me and my brother and my sisters is that we have to remember our past to preserve our future. And I think that’s a good time to do that right now. Over the last year, year and a…
St. Anthony, Lend Me Your Tongue
“St. Anthony, Lend me your tongue.” It’s a short little prayer that I would pray fairly frequently on Monday mornings before a Knights of Columbus lecture. Many times I knew what I wanted to say but I didn’t have the right words to say it. St. Anthony is my patron…
Crosswords, Grandkids, and St. YouTube
What is most important to you? Today, right now, what is that one thing that is most important in your life? Think about your answer for a second. Will your answer be different a day from now? Or in a week? Or in a year? What if I were to…
Do you?
For children, many things come easily. Put a pair of ice skates on a three year old and it doesn’t take long before they’re effortlessly zooming around the ice. Give a four year old a smartphone and after a week they’ll know its functions better than most adults. For a…
Behold your brother
Every year during the season of Lent, there are many opportunities for us to enter deeper into Christ’s Passion. Of course there is Ash Wednesday and with it the reminder of our own mortality. There are also the customary reminders for increased penance, fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. If, during Lent,…
The Face of Faith
One of the great discomforts that many people have to endure at some point in their lives is orthodontics. After hours with your mouth open, you now have a mouth full of metal. It feels weird. It’s moderately painful. And there’s nothing attractive about it. Oh sure, you’re told all…
Milestones & Millstones
Another New Year. Another January. For some, it’s a time for looking back at the events of the year past, both the good and the bad. For others, it’s a time for looking forward, to put last year behind us. Either way, whether looking forward or backwards — what is…
Remember a time, not so long ago (in the grand scheme of things) when seeing someone wearing a mask in public was strange? If you were in a convenience store and saw someone come in with a mask, you’d think they were there to rob the place. It feels like…
If Only
“If only…” Two little words. Two syllables. A total of six letters. Despite their diminutive size, how much power do those two words bring to affect change in the course of human events, both great and small? “If only I could eat of the fruit of that tree…” “If only…