I am fortunate in that the company I work for gives every employee one day a year to use in service to a charitable organization. This year I chose Hope Hollow. This may sound familiar to many of my brother Knights since earlier this month our Community Director, Jim Shough…
Authentic Living
This month I want to share a few random ramblings, food for thought. Authentic Faith: Fr. Pendolphi gave a homily a couple weeks ago about “Authentic Faith”. The jist was there is a difference in practicing your faith for the good of God, vs. practicing your faith for the good…
Evolution of Influence
As we grow up our perspectives change and realizations come in eventual waves over time. When I was young my parents guided much of what I did and didn’t do, and whether I realized it or not I counted on their guidance. In those days others limited me because they…
We are given gifts in our life, though often we do not see them as gifts, nor are they always what we asked for. We are given life. We often forget it is a gift, and so often we focus way too much on how we can make ourselves most…
Strength and Resolve
Strength and resolve. What does this mean to us as Knights? Certainly strength is represented in many aspects of life. Athletics is one arena. Clearly strength of body is one type of strength. I admire those who have worked to gain physical strength and skills, and can consistently demonstrate those…
Patriotism, the virtue assigned to the Knights of Columbus Fourth degree. I had a wonderful opportunity last month to be immersed in patriotism. I participated in an Honor Flight. Beyond “doing my part” to show support for my country and appreciation for those who defend us, this was a personal…
Good Lent
This month I am writing this with a heart at peace. It is the day after Easter. Lent was a good lent, and Easter has been a wonderful culmination arising from the Lenten season. Both were shared with dear people. Honestly, what I gave up for Lent was something I…
Logic & Life
Before I segue into tonight’s topic I would like to share with you a statement I found profound. The other night my wife and I were sitting on the couch watching TV. In the show there was a priest talking to an inmate at a prison. The inmate was helping…
A Logical Look
When resolving emotional issues I often try to validate my perspective using logic. Recently I was pondering a few things like relativism and atheism and I came to the conclusion that I really don’t understand the point of atheism. Logically, God exists, or He does not. An atheist’s mission is…
Heart of a Child
As usual, Deacon invited all the younger kids to gather at the front of the Church at the beginning of Mass. From there the kids go downstairs and learn about Sunday’s readings in a manner suitable to them. It always makes me smile when I watch them go up. Some…