Our council has received a request from the seminarians at the PCJ to sponsor an open tab for them to celebrate the election results this evening. Obviously, we can’t put this to a vote at a business meeting, but we can “pass the hat” virtually to take up a collection.…
Help needed! Breakfast signups for next weekend
Brothers, Below you will find the link to volunteer for our community breakfast next week. We can especially use help cleaning up after 10:30 Mass. Please consider lending a hand; many hands make for light work! kofc11445.com/volunteer-opportunities/?sheet_id=54 Thank you, Sean
Worthington Special Olympics needs a basketball coach
I received this from the Worthington Special Olympics. They need a JV volunteer/coach for basketball. Practices would be Tuesday and Thursday 7:00-8:30 at Bluffsview and Worthington Estates. There is training and background check required. I think they would take any help we are able to provide since she said the…
4 Knights Needed
Dear Brothers, Thanks, again, to those of you who’ve made a Holy Hour with our Lord. I’m sure you can speak to the blessings this has brought you and those with whom you’ve interacted (e.g., family, coworkers, et al) during the week as well as the blessings this has brought…
Free dinner, and estate planning/fraternal benefits night 11/9
When we became Knights we were introduced to the phrase: “Tempus Fugit. Memento Mori” — Time Flies. Remember Death. Remember that if you don’t plan it, your loved ones will have to plan your funeral Mass. Remember that if you don’t prepare for it, your loves ones will have to…
Special Olympics: Nov. 17 Hot Chocolate Walk Event in Columbus
Dear Brothers, If your schedule allows, please consider volunteering at this event. I’ll share other opportunities as I learn of them. Wayne From: Karla Batt Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 10:12 AM To: Subject: Volunteers Needed! Hot Chocolate Walk Event in Columbus Hello All We would love your help at…
3 Knights Needed
Brother Knights, Thanks to everyone who has participated in the Adoration campaign to expand Exposition. We only need 3 more adorers in order to expand Exposition from Tuesday at 5 a.m. – Friday at 11 p.m. The remaining hours are Wednesday at: – 12:00 a.m. – 1:00 a.m. – 4…
Bridgettine Convent Cleanup
IMG_3710 Thank you to all our volunteers today who helped with the clean up at the Bridgettine Convent. It was wonderful to see not just the men who showed up, but their children as well. We accomplished a lot and the sisters are very grateful to our Council and family…
Reminder – Faith by Fireside Thursday 10/24/2024
Good afternoon! Just wanted to send out a reminder for this Thursday’s Faith By Fireside. Here is the link to RSVP for those who have not had a chance to sign up yet: kofc11445.com/events/faith-by-fireside-october Location: 997 Deer Creek E, Powell OH 43065 (Michael Pivarnik 614.301.5896) * Folks may park on…
Thank you Knights!

Dear brothers in Christ, Praised be Jesus Christ! This morning, on Saturday Oct 19th, more than just a few of our Council of Knights of Columbus gathered together to pray the Holy Mass at Holy Family Church and then to spend a few hours of fraternal service aiding the Bridgittine…