Brother Knights, Just a reminder that this Friday is the January Faith by Fireside. I’ll be hosting this month. Please be advised that the event will proceed as planned, regardless of weather conditions. It is forecast to be VERY cold. If the group decides they want to imitate Navy SEALs,…
Plea for volunteers!
Brothers, I know everyone is getting blindsided by volunteer requests, requests for time that takes us away from other things, and we are all busy! We could use a couple more volunteers to help out with the event this weekend. If you’re PGC and KofC safe environment certified, even better.…
Hoagies for Heaven order takers needed after Mass
We have a need for 2 order-takers after the 12:30 Mass, and 1 more after the 10:30 and 5pm Masses. Sign up here:
Novena Starts Tomorrow
9 Days for Life Pray to Protect Human Life! Hello! The novena you signed up for, 9 Days for Life , starts tomorrow. 9 Days for Life is the U.S. Catholic bishops’ annual novena surrounding the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children . You’re all set…
Volunteers needed this weekend for three council activities!
We have a lot of activities this weekend, brothers, and we’ll need “all hands on deck” to get them done. Remember to give that extra 1% per month, and that 1 hour of service is only 1/2 of 1%!!! Saturday 2pm-4pm: Free Throw Contest This is an easy event. There…
Volunteers needed for free throw shooting contest
Good evening brother knights, We are working to resurrect the annual free throw contest and need some volunteers (if interested we could use an event chair for next year too!) Please consider volunteering to help with registration, rebounding, scorekeeping and judging. It should be a fun and easy event for…
January 11th Men’s event at the Bridgettines: Faith in Action with Fr. Michael Hartge
2 Knights needed before Masses this weekend
We need 1 Knight to show up 15 minutes early for the 8:30am Mass, and 1 Knight to show up 15 minutes early for the 12:30pm Mass this Sunday. All you have to do is stand by the greeter and pass out prayer cards. Sign up here:
Grand Knight’s Christmas message
Brother Knights, Just a short note to express my gratitude for all of you, and your efforts—both great and small—in service to the our council, to St. Michael Church and School, to the Catholic Church at large, to our community, and to your families. When I joined the Knights about…
Consecration to the Holy Family this weekend!
Brothers, I hope everyone had a Blessed Christmas day! In the spirit of the season, we are coordinating with our awesome priests to have a consecration to the Holy Family post all Masses this weekend. We need someone to help pass cards out as people walk in, and of course,…