Dear Brothers in Christ, Please see the following additional opportunity to support the Special Olympics. Columbus Schools Special Olympics Basketball Skills March 10-14 Please email John Esson with any questions. Wayne ———- Forwarded message ——— From: Karla Batt Date: Fri, Feb 21, 2025 at 2:15 PM Subject: SOOH Volunteers…
Super Cash Bonanza raffle coordinator needed
Brother Knights, our council has received our annual Super Cash Bonanza tickets. Brother Wade, who has taken on the role of selling them for the past many many years, is stepping back from this role, so the council needs someone else to step up. Whoever takes on this role has…
Fish Fry – Need a volunteer for a new role
Gentlemen, we have an effort underway to introduce weekly specials to the fish fry. There has been considerable pressure from fish fries at other parishes (as well as at non-Catholic churches who don’t even participate in our Lenten observances!) who are offering meatless menu items in addition to fish. We…
Volunteers needed for District free-throw contest
Brothers, our District Deputy Doug Costello needs help with the District Free Throw Contest on Saturday, February 22 at 9 AM at OLP. With only 2 councils participating, the total time commitment should be around 2 hours or less. If you’re not going to the Men’s Conference, this is a…
We need your help after Mass
Can you spare 15 minutes after Mass this weekend? We only need 3 men per Mass to fulfill Hoagies For Heaven orders, and right now Sunday has almost no one signed up. Which Mass are you going to? Can you help? Sign up here:
This is it!
Gentlemen, we have a big Hoagies For Heaven weekend ahead of us, and we’ll need men to step up in many different areas from Friday through Sunday: FRIDAY NIGHT SUB ASSEMBLY Sub assembly begins at 7pm in the cafeteria. We have 35 open slots. Can you spare an hour? Do…
Fwd: SOOH State Indoor Winter Games have moved to Ohio State!! March 7-9, 2025
From: Karla Batt Date: Mon, Feb 3, 2025 at 3:02 PM Hello All We are very excited to share our sign up links with you for our Indoor Winter Games. Please check out the links and sign up asap 😉 PLEASE NOTE: If you are signing up to help with basketball…
Are you going to the 12:30 Mass this weekend?
We need someone to take Hoagies For Heaven orders. Please sign up here:
H4H order takers needed after all Masses!
Which Mass are you going to? Sign up here: Also, if you haven’t placed your order yet, please do so ASAP. This is currently our only fundraiser for vocations, and word is out about our success: we now have competition from OLP and St. Joan of Arc-St. Peter’s which…
Hoagies For Heaven Week 2, after-Mass volunteers needed
Hey everyone, just a friendly reminder that we need order-takers after all Masses this weekend. 4pm Vigil Mass: 1 volunteer needed 8:30am Mass: 1 volunteer needed 10:30am Mass: 1 volunteer needed 12:30pm Mass: 2 volunteers needed 5pm Mass: 1 volunteer needed Know which Mass you’re going to? Can you volunteer…