We have openings for serving drinks, desserts, and chowder, and also openings for bussing tables. (These are great opportunities for 7th and 8th graders who need service hours.) We also need adult help with applesauce and slaw, as well as cleanup. Sign up here: https://kofc11445.com/volunteer-opportunities/?sheet_id=22
Fish Fry Volunteers
Thanks Knights for signing up to help with the fish fry tomorrow night! We are in good shape but there are few slots left if you still want to help. kofc11445.com/volunteer-opportunities/?sheet_id=22 Spread the word! This is our largest fundraiser and needs all of the business that we can get! Also,…
Battle Of Worthington, March 5th at 7pm
Come root on Brother Knight Peter Schera and the Stars at Thomas Worthington High School!
March Social – Monday 3/17
Bros – let me know if you are able to stop over for St. Patrick’s day at my house on Monday, 3/17 after work. I will be there, serving corned beef and Irish Stout. You can stop by anytime after 5:00 and stay as long as you like. I have…
Can you help with donuts tomorrow?
It’s less than 24 hours from friendship Sunday, and we only have 2 Knights signed up to help. Which Mass are you going to? Sign up here: https://kofc11445.com/volunteer-opportunities/?sheet_id=31
Fish Fry Week One Volunteers Needed
The Lenten Fish Fry has arrived. This first fish fry of the season will be this coming, Friday March 7. The fish fry runs for six weeks during Lent. There is no fish fry on Good Friday. Proceeds from this event helps supports parish needs. This event is a great…
March Social – St. Patrick’s Day
Brothers – we will have a social at my house Monday, March 17th to celebrate the feast day of St. Patrick. Please let me know if you will be there so I can plan accordingly. Open to Knights/prospects/wives. Thanks, John Greve Council Chairman 1000 Greenridge Rd, Columbus, OH 43235
FW: SOOH Volunteers needed March 20-21, 2025
From: Karla Batt Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 3:48 PM To: Subject: SOOH Volunteers needed March 20-21, 2025 Hello! I would love to share an opportunity that we have coming up in Columbus on March 20-21, 2025. Please check the information on the link provided and sign up if you…
Friendship Sunday – Volunteers needed
Brother Knights, it’s our council’s turn to host friendship Sunday for the parish. We’ll need 1 Knight with a van or SUV to pick up the order from the Krispy Kreme at Polaris. The order is ready by 7am, and will need dropped in Marian Hall’s kitchenette no later than…
Men’s Faith by Fireside Friday 2/28 7pm-9pm
I hope this message finds you all well. I will be hosting Men’s Faith by fireside this Friday at my home. Please RSVP by reply. I will provide some post Rosary snacks and beverages. Feel free to bring a preferred beverage is you please. 524 Longfellow Ave Worthington Oh, 43085…