Brothers, please see the attached minutes.01-13-25 Business meeting
Plea for volunteers!
Brothers, I know everyone is getting blindsided by volunteer requests, requests for time that takes us away from other things, and we are all busy! We could use a couple more volunteers to help out with the event this weekend. If you’re PGC and KofC safe environment certified, even better.…
Volunteers needed for free throw shooting contest
Good evening brother knights, We are working to resurrect the annual free throw contest and need some volunteers (if interested we could use an event chair for next year too!) Please consider volunteering to help with registration, rebounding, scorekeeping and judging. It should be a fun and easy event for…
January 11th Men’s event at the Bridgettines: Faith in Action with Fr. Michael Hartge
Consecration to the Holy Family this weekend!
Brothers, I hope everyone had a Blessed Christmas day! In the spirit of the season, we are coordinating with our awesome priests to have a consecration to the Holy Family post all Masses this weekend. We need someone to help pass cards out as people walk in, and of course,…
Plea for breakfast volunteers
Brothers, Please consider signing up to help with our upcoming breakfast on Sunday. Small tasks such as serving, clean up, are what’s really needed. Many hands make light work so consider giving 20-30 min of your time please!! Volunteers such as yourselves are the reason this event succeeds and how…
Help needed! Breakfast signups for next weekend
Brothers, Below you will find the link to volunteer for our community breakfast next week. We can especially use help cleaning up after 10:30 Mass. Please consider lending a hand; many hands make for light work! Thank you, Sean
Events this week!
Brothers, I would like to invite you to two events this week, holy hour for families and our monthly faith by fireside event. Holy hour is Wednesday 9/18 6 pm Mass as usual but we encourage everyone to bring their family and spend time with our Lord together. Faith by…
Breakfast volunteers needed
Good morning, We are in need of a few good men to volunteer to help with clean up and serving at our breakfast this weekend. Just 20 to 30 minutes after 8:30 and 10:30 Masses is all we ask really! Fraternally, Sean
Upcoming family event: pool party at Worthington pools!
Brothers, We have booked the pavilion at Worthington Pools ( by Thomas Worthington high school) for this year’s pool party. Details: 7/23 from 5 to 9 Worthington pools 400 W Granville Rd, Worthington, OH 43085 Members: sign in. Non members: tell the front desk you are there with Seth Walker.…