
Being the first meeting of the new year, I figured it would be a good time to share some thoughts on “time”. Obviously God gave us the concept and physics of time, and the abilities to capture, display and track its ever continual march forward. Every civilization that has watched…

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The week before last I attended the monthly Catholic Men’s Club luncheon and listened to Reverend Wehner speak. Reverend Wehner is the new rector/president of the Pontifical College Josephinum. I was quite impressed, he has many plans for the Josephinum and his approach I feel will be good for the…

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I have a high school reunion coming up. It has been 30 years since I graduated from Watterson. I am seeing quite a few former classmates lately, and those from classes before and after my class of ’79. That in itself is not very interesting to you all, but what…

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Charity, the first principle of the Knights of Columbus. I thought I would piggyback off of Brother Damo’s presentation during the May Business Meeting and talk briefly today about volunteerism. Why do we do it? Who does it help? I suspect if you ask ten people “why do you volunteer?”,…

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