In southern Germany, a few miles from both the Austrian and Swiss borders, there is a hamlet by the name of Wigratzbad. The tiny little town became a Marian pilgrimage site in the early 20th Century after a series of Marian apparitions began in 1918 and continued to 1936. The…
Here are the Plenary Indulgences Available During Holy Week
Pro-Life News Update: Ohio passes law to ban abortions after fetal heartbeat
Ohio Governor Mark DeWine on Thursday signed a law banning abortion if a fetal heartbeat can be detected. Former Governor John Kasich had twice vetoed similar legislation. “Government’s role should be to protect life from the beginning to the end,” DeWine said before signing the law, which is set to…
2019 Brown Scapular Enrollment
Brother Knights, at the May business meeting, we will have our third-annual Rite for the Blessing and Investiture in the Brown Scapular of our Lady of Mount Carmel. Any Brother Knight who is not already invested in the Brown Scapular will have the opportunity to do so. (Once you are…
How often has this happened to you: You’re watching a movie, and all of a sudden you get this feeling like you know what’s going to happen next. And then, you’re right. “Ha! Called it!” And if it happens often enough, you start to feel like you have some sort…
PCJ 2019 Softball tournament photos
Contact Your Congressman Today to Protect Life!
Dear Brother Knight, Your immediate action is needed to help protect life! I urge you to contact your Congressman today and ask them to sign the discharge petition calling for a vote on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. This commonsense legislation requires that medical professionals exercise the same degree…
We take it for granted that earth is uniquely created to sustain life. More than just the right mix of gases in the air we breathe, but even just the change of seasons that are necessary for the cycle of life is something we almost never think about. The earth’s…
Alarm Clocks
There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who need alarm clocks in the morning, and the kind who don’t. Those of you who need an alarm clock start your day with an annoying, unwelcome interruption to your sleep. You groggily hit the snooze button as many…
Stand Fast
In 315 BC, King Cassander of Macedon established the capital of Macedonia in the ancient Greek port town of Therma. As was popular among conquering rulers, he renamed it, in his case he renamed it for his wife who was the half-sister of Alexander the Great. Its inhabitants adapted to…