Stand Fast

In 315 BC, King Cassander of Macedon established the capital of Macedonia in the ancient Greek port town of Therma. As was popular among conquering rulers, he renamed it, in his case he renamed it for his wife who was the half-sister of Alexander the Great. Its inhabitants adapted to…

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As a kid, Christmas is about one thing: presents. Thinking back to the days of our youth, everyone can recall a Christmas where you were hoping and dreaming for a very specific Christmas present. Maybe it was a bike, or a video game, or a Red Ryder carbine-action two hundred…

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Free time

Can there be a more popular spice than cinnamon? It’s found in everything from toothpaste to French toast, and especially this time of the year it is one of the most frequently used spices. Sweet potato casserole wouldn’t be right without cinnamon. If it’s missing from apple or pumpkin pie…

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