Scripture “Hear, O Israel, The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. Therefore, you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength. Take to heart these words I enjoin on you today. Drill them into your children. Speak…
August Lecture: “St. Joseph” – Delivered by Bill Hinger
Mirror of Patience Lover of Poverty Model of Workmen Pillar of Families Hope of the Sick Patron of the Dying Guardian of Virgins Zealous Defender of Christ Terror of Demons Protector of the Holy Church As you may have guessed, these are just a few of the monikers given to…
July Lecture: “We have to remember our past to preserve our future” – Delivered by Mike Gross
As a young man growing up, something my parents have instilled in me and my brother and my sisters is that we have to remember our past to preserve our future. And I think that’s a good time to do that right now. Over the last year, year and a…
New Motion
The following motion was made at the July Council meeting. Following our protocols for such motions, it will be up for the final vote at the August meeting. Please review and plan to attend the meeting if you wish to vote on this motion. Knights of Columbus Council 11445 Formation…
St. Anthony, Lend Me Your Tongue
“St. Anthony, Lend me your tongue.” It’s a short little prayer that I would pray fairly frequently on Monday mornings before a Knights of Columbus lecture. Many times I knew what I wanted to say but I didn’t have the right words to say it. St. Anthony is my patron…
“Thank you” from the Sisters
Sending special thanks to you and all our benefactors who sent the Knights’ hoagies our way! Sr. John Paul, O.P. Principal St. Michael School
Hoagies for Heaven sub assembly this Friday at 7pm – Volunteers needed
Due to potential rain and also logistics issues, we’re moving the sub assembly to Friday night in Marian Hall at 7pm. We only have 300 subs to make this year, so this will move very quickly. We do need to hand-slice the buns, however, so each assembly line will need…
Crosswords, Grandkids, and St. YouTube
What is most important to you? Today, right now, what is that one thing that is most important in your life? Think about your answer for a second. Will your answer be different a day from now? Or in a week? Or in a year? What if I were to…
Hoagies for Heaven – Volunteer slots still open
We still are in need for Knights to volunteer for the following: Order taker after the 4pm Mass this Saturday (May 8th) : Sign up Coordinator & Order taker after the 12:30 Mass this Sunday (May 9th) : Coordinator sign up | Order taker sign up Order taker after the 4pm…
Hoagies for Heaven 2021 – Volunteers needed
We still have a need for volunteers for the Hoagies for Heaven sales and assembly. To date only two people have signed up. Aside from assembly, the time commitment is only about 20 minutes after Mass. May 8-9 and 15-16: In-person order taking after Mass. Will need 1 coordinator and 1…