We have a need for 2 order-takers after the 12:30 Mass, and 1 more after the 10:30 and 5pm Masses. Sign up here: https://kofc11445.com/volunteer-opportunities/?sheet_id=10
Volunteers needed this weekend for three council activities!
We have a lot of activities this weekend, brothers, and we’ll need “all hands on deck” to get them done. Remember to give that extra 1% per month, and that 1 hour of service is only 1/2 of 1%!!! Saturday 2pm-4pm: Free Throw Contest This is an easy event. There…
December 2024 meeting minutes
Knights of Columbus St Michael Council #11445 DECEMBER 2, 2024 REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING Grand Knight LaMorte called regular business meeting to order at 7:30pm and proceeded with opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. A motion was made to waive reading and approve the minutes of the prior meeting, which was…
2 Knights needed before Masses this weekend
We need 1 Knight to show up 15 minutes early for the 8:30am Mass, and 1 Knight to show up 15 minutes early for the 12:30pm Mass this Sunday. All you have to do is stand by the greeter and pass out prayer cards. Sign up here: https://kofc11445.com/volunteer-opportunities/?sheet_id=59
Grand Knight’s Christmas message
Brother Knights, Just a short note to express my gratitude for all of you, and your efforts—both great and small—in service to the our council, to St. Michael Church and School, to the Catholic Church at large, to our community, and to your families. When I joined the Knights about…
Volunteers needed before Mass, December 28 & 29
We need 1 Knight at each Mass on December 28th and 29th to show up 15-20 minutes early to pass out prayer cards with the prayer for consecration to the Holy Family. We are advancing KofC Supreme’s program of consecration to the Holy Family. Bulletin ads leading up to the…
Funeral arrangements for Deacon Fricke
The visitation will be held at St. Michael’s on Thursday, December 19, 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM. The Mass of Christian Burial will take place at St. Michael’s on Friday, December 20, at 10:00 AM. The Fricke family has requested 5-6 Knights to serve as pallbearers, in addition to a…
Prayers for the repose of the soul of Deacon Klaus Fricke
Brother Knights, I just received word that Deacon Fricke, who has served St. Michael parish and his family faithfully for many decades, has left us for his eternal reward. Please pray for the repose of his soul, and for comfort for the Fricke family. I’ll send the funeral arrangements when…
ASAP collection raised $1100
Our council raised $1077 this past weekend for the Aid & Support After Pregnancy program, and I topped it off to make it an even $1100. With Supreme’s contribution of $100 for every $500 donated, that means we will be making a total donation of $1300 toward helping mothers choose…
Need 3 more volunteers
Thanks to everyone who signed up to collect after the Masses! We only have 3 more spots to fill: 1 at the 8:30, and 2 for the 12:30. If you’re going to either of these Masses, please sign up to help: https://kofc11445.com/volunteer-opportunities/?sheet_id=56 Thanks!