Thanks for everyone signing up to help! If you have not yet done so, please sign up for Condiments, Applesauce, or Drive Thru. Thanks, John
Fish Fry
Bros, we had a great turnout last week for volunteers. Please sign up this week as soon as possible. Thanks, John
Fwd-Fish Fry Help Needed
Brothers – we are one week out…please sign up for the jobs that you like to do. I will post this to the general population of the parish next week. Thanks, John ——- The Lenten Fish Fry has arrived. This first fish fry of the season will be *next* Friday…
Tomorrow! Knights Christmas Social 6:00
It’s going to be great. Even if you didn’t RSVP, just show up! 1000 Greenridge Rd, Columbus, OH 43235 The council is providing the usual Carfagna’s main dishes. I am providing a bottle of Buffalo Trace. You are bringing your favorite app or dessert and your drink of choice. Come…
Knights Chistmas Social, Friday 12/15
I still haven’t heard from some of the regulars, please let me know if you will be there to help me drink a bottle of Buffalo Trace! Please *RSVP* to me so that we can get a count for Brothers, wives, and girlfriends that will attend. Our council Christmas party…
Knights of Columbus Christmas Social, Friday 12/15
Brother Knights, I am hosting the Christmas social again this year. Please RSVP to me so that we can get a count for Brothers, wives, and girlfriends that will attend at the new new address. Our council Christmas party is Friday, Dec 15th at 6pm at my house. My address…
Festival Setup Volunteers Needed
Brothers, if you are able to help please join us for festival setup this week. The sign up link is below. We really need people Monday all day and Wednesday evening and Thursday morning. Click on the link then setup week. Thanks, John
Priests moving in today!
We still need a couple guys to help the priests move in this afternoon. 1:00 and 4:00 Please let me know. Thanks, John
June Social Tuesday
See you in about an hour. On Thu, Jun 22, 2023, 9:52 AM John Greve wrote: > Social meeting is Tuesday at 7:00 at my house. It will be a combo of > social, future social planning, and benefits night. Please let me know if > you can make. Thanks,…
June Social Tuesday
We need a couple more guys for the social tomorrow night. On Thu, Jun 22, 2023, 9:52 AM John Greve wrote: > Social meeting is Tuesday at 7:00 at my house. It will be a combo of > social, future social planning, and benefits night. Please let me know if…