Even if you haven’t replied, show up! Join us! There will be plenty! Me Seth and Kelly Tom and Elaine Peter Schera Brian Eliott Chad and Chrissy Brett and Jeanne Wayne and Ana Dan and Billie Tim and Tammie Richard Devon and fiance Stevie and Jenny Mike and Connie Tom…
Knights Christmas Social, This Friday 12/13
Are you joining us? Are you bringing a prospect? Please let me know! The following are in: Me Seth and Kelly Tom and Elaine Peter Schera Brian Eliott Chad and Chrissy Brett and Jeanne Wayne and Ana Dan and Billie Tim and Tammie Richard Devon and fiance Stevie and Jenny…
Knights Christmas Social, Next Friday 12/13
Brothers – Please email me at to let me know that you are joining us: I am hosting the Christmas social again this year. Please RSVP to me so that we can get a count for Brothers, wives, and girlfriends that will attend. Our council Christmas party is Friday,…
Knights Christmas Social, Friday December 13th
Brother Knights, I am hosting the Christmas social again this year. Please RSVP to me so that we can get a count for Brothers, wives, and girlfriends that will attend. Our council Christmas party is Friday, Dec 13th at 6pm at my house. My address is 1000 Greenridge Rd in…
Help Sisters
Please let me know if you are able to help Fr. Stash move some furniture from a house in UA to a convent near campus at 10:30 on Saturday. Thanks, John
This Friday! Josephinum Social
Who’s in? On Wed, Apr 17, 2024, 7:22 PM Knights of Columbus Council 11445 wrote: > Knights of Columbus Council 11445 > kofc11445.com > —————————— > New Comment on *K Of C Social At The Josephinum – April 26 > * > —————————— > > This comment was posted 4 hours…
Knights Social Event: Tue April 2 @ Greve’s House
Reminder! Hope to see you tomorrow. Let me know if you will be there. On Mon, Mar 25, 2024, 8:34 AM Knights of Columbus Council 11445 wrote: > View this in your browser. > > *Knights of Columbus Council 11445* > Knights Social Event: Tue April 2 @ Greve’s House >…
Last Fish Fry!
Bros, This is your last chance. Be there. Either work or buy. We have a few spots still available to help. Sign up at the link below… kofc11445.com/volunteer-opportunities/?fbclid=IwAR3h_GIAziA6ozNRrYS4xorT2efK9OTMcc5v5wI3ncDjiIZMW8HpXivUDRE&sheet_id=27 See you there! John
Fish Fry and Spring Break
Brothers – the next two weeks are typically the hardest to staff with volunteers since many take off for spring break. If you are able to help please sign up asap so we can get a good idea how things are going to shake out. kofc11445.com/volunteer-opportunities/?sheet_id=33 Peace, John
You need to volunteer tonight!
Applesauce, Condiments, and Expo need to be covered!