Brother Knights, our council has received our annual Super Cash Bonanza tickets. Brother Wade, who has taken on the role of selling them for the past many many years, is stepping back from this role, so the council needs someone else to step up. Whoever takes on this role has…
June “Faith by Fireside”
This coming Friday, June 28th, we’ll be having another “Faith by Fireside.” It is an excellent opportunity for you to sit around a fire with fellow Catholic gentlemen and discuss issues of faith: what you’ve learned, what you’ve experienced, and what challenges you. Everyone who has attended has enjoyed it.…
Hoagies For Heaven 2024 – Week 2 report
After another great weekend of sales we’re currently at orders for 570 subs, which is ahead of last year at this point and on track for sales of over 700. We still have 1 more week to take orders. Can you spare 10 minutes after Mass this weekend to help…
Hoagies For Heaven – Week 1 results
This past weekend we sold 298 subs both online and in-person, including 55 Trivia Night subs. Two more weeks of order-taking to go, and we need volunteers to help take orders after Mass. Signups for this weekend are here:
October Business Meeting – Prayer Requests
Please pray for: Tony Schera Liz Greve & the Greve family The repose of the souls of all our deceased Brother Knights Blessed Mother please wrap your mantle around them, and keep them from harm. St. Joseph, intercede for them. Guardian angel, protect them. — Amen
Reminder – Ash Wednesday
03/06/2019 – All Day
Reminder – Corporate Communion
Join brother Knights at Mass at 10:30 this Sunday. The first few rows of pews are reserved for Knights and their families. Coffee, donuts, and fellowship follow Mass in the undercroft. This is open to Knights & their families as well as prospective Knights. Event link
March Council Business Meeting
Council Business Meeting
Reminder – Christmas, Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord
12/25/2018 – All Day
Reminder – Corporate Communion
12/16/2018 – 10:30am The first few 5 rows of pews on the Mary side will be reserved for us, and there will be coffee, donuts, and fellowship in the undercroft following Mass. This is also an excellent opportunity to invite prospective Knights to join us after Mass.