Fwd: Request for Assistance for a Seminarian

Please see the request below for help with cars for seminarians. Thanks!

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Knights of Columbus – Columbus Diocese Chapter <
" >>
Date: Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 10:49 AM
Subject: Request for Assistance for a Seminarian
To: John Greve <" >>

How you can help two seminarians.
[image: Knights of Columbus – Columbus Diocese]
Knights of Columbus – Columbus Diocese

*Lord, I am your servant.*

Dear Worthy Grand Knights and Brother John:

As the Chapter representative to the Columbus Diocese Vocations Task Force,
I have been asked to share the following plea for help from Father Hahn,
the Diocesan Vocations Director:

*Car Needed*
*The Vocations Office has two seminarians who are on their pastoral year
and who need a car. The pastoral year runs from September through May and
involves a good bit of travel within the parish/consortium. We are looking
either for someone who could loan a car for that time frame or if someone
has a car in fairly good shape, that a seminarian could buy at a low price.
The seminarian would pay for his own insurance as needed. One of the
seminarians is assigned to St. Mary, Marion, and the other one is assigned
to St. Vincent DePaul, Mt. Vernon. Anyone interested in helping should
contact the Director of Vocations, Fr. Hahn, at " >
<?subject=Car%20Needed%20by%20Seminarian" >?subject=Car%20Needed%20by%20Seminarian> or
614-221-5565 <614-221-5565>.*

Vivat Jesus!

Rod Anderson
Ohio District Deputy 37
Support Our Seminarians/Billboard Project Chairman
Knights of Columbus, Columbus Diocese Chapter
614.530.7028 <614-530-7028> (text messages okay!)
" >

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