Fish Fry – Need a volunteer for a new role

Gentlemen, we have an effort underway to introduce weekly specials to the fish fry. There has been considerable pressure from fish fries at other parishes (as well as at non-Catholic churches who don’t even participate in our Lenten observances!) who are offering meatless menu items in addition to fish. We have decided this is the way forward so that we can remain competitive and relevant as the “Lenten Fish Fry” marketplace evolves.

It will require some effort to get it started and moving, however. And that effort will require a volunteer to shepherd the new “specials” role.

The tasks are relatively simple, but you must be able to commit to being at every fish fry and managing a small team of 2-3 people to make this happen.

Simply put: this is a vital and crucial role and the council needs one of you gentlemen to step up.

Is the Holy Spirit calling you to this role? Come to the fish fry committee meeting this Wednesday at 7pm in the undercroft. Contact myself or Chris Fricke for more information.

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