Dear brothers in Christ,
Praised be Jesus Christ!
This morning, on Saturday Oct 19th, more than just a few of our Council of Knights of Columbus gathered together to pray the Holy Mass at Holy Family Church and then to spend a few hours of fraternal service aiding the Bridgittine Sisters.
Several of the Knights brought their daughters and sons and we were joined by several of the wives.
I want to offer a note of sincere gratitude to each and every one of you. To the Knights who attended, and worked hard!, and to all of our Knights who in some other way at other times lend yourself to the good of a neighbor, I THANK YOU!
I have to share that it was very moving to me to see the children work side by side with their dads and sometimes break off and work with the other children, all for the benefit of the Bridgittine sisters. To tell the little ones it was ‘okay‘ to pick the raspberries and eat them while they were helping with turning the garden over was a personal favorite of all of the great moments from this morning.
Our community is a very blessed community and this morning was a powerful reminder that our community shared its blessing with others. You Knights have led the community by your witness and sustained our community by your paternal charity, I Praise the Lord for you, for your faith, and for your witness to the Lord!
I don’t have much to offer you other than my humble prayers and my profound gratitude but I will lift each of you and your intentions up to the Lord Most High as I pray the Mass this weekend.
In Jesus our Lord, through Mary Our Queen,
Fr Stash
“We are called to plant the seeds of trees, under whose shade we will never sit.”
St. Anthony of Padua