Faith by Fireside – This Friday, Jan 24 7-9PM (RSVP Requested)

Brother Knights,

Just a reminder that this Friday is the January Faith by Fireside. I’ll be
hosting this month.

Please be advised that the event will proceed as planned, regardless of
weather conditions. It is forecast to be VERY cold. If the group decides
they want to imitate Navy SEALs, I’m all for doing an outdoor fire.
Otherwise, I have a four season room that can comfortably accommodate
guests. I will provide water, beer, bourbon, and snacks. Feel free to
bring a beverage of your choice.

*Please RSVP by replying to this email if you plan to attend.* Having an
accurate headcount will ensure I have the appropriate amount of seating and
refreshments. Thank you in advance for this courtesy.

My address:
935 Clubview Blvd S, Columbus, OH 43235

I have a shared driveway with my next door neighbor. If you park in the
driveway, please parallel park on my side of the driveway between my
mailbox and my garage, up against the yard. That will allow everyone to
get in and out while also respecting my neighbors. Otherwise, street
parking is plentiful in front of my house.

I hope to see you on Friday evening!


*Faith By Fireside* is an excellent opportunity for men to get a few hours
of faith formation by sitting around a fire with fellow Catholic gentlemen
and discussing issues of faith. All men, Knight and non-Knight, Catholic
and non-Catholic, are welcome.

*What to bring:*

– A Rosary
– A chair
– Your beverage of choice
– Something from any source that over the past few weeks enlightened,
motivated, or inspired you in your faith life. No need to go into detail,
just a tidbit that you’d like to share in 5 minutes. Some examples:
– Something from a homily
– Something from a men’s group program
– Something from a devotional or other book
– Something from Catholic radio, a podcast, video, etc
– Something that came to you during a holy hour, while saying the
Rosary, etc
– A saint quote
– A friend!