From our Chaplain: An Invitation to Read and Respond

Dear Brothers in Christ,

I share with you an article from our Worthy Chaplain, Fr. Stash Dailey. As you read, remember, Memento mori.

St. Joseph adores the Lord Jesus by “working by day” and “watching by night.” Jesus is calling us, particularly during Advent, to silence the noise and to be with him. Do you hear his voice? Will you respond to his call? Stand watch with me and our fellow brothers.

“Keep watch! For you do not know the day nor the hour of My return” (Mt 25:13). Just as Noah had to receive the plans for the Ark from the Lord, and Moses had to receive the plans for the Tabernacle sanctuary from God, each person who comes before the Eucharistic Lord in adoration can do so to discern Christ’s plans for their life.”

Men of St. Vincent Invited to Be Christ’s ‘Watchmen’

Will you commit to 1 hour per month?

Yours, in Christ,


One thought on “From our Chaplain: An Invitation to Read and Respond

  1. Michael A. LaMorte

    A little context about the article:

    I am very familiar with Angola, Indiana. When we go to my brother-in-law’s, we attend Mass at St. Anthony of Padua parish as the subject of the article did. It’s less than 5 minutes from Trine University. The student mentioned in the article went to his holy hour in Ft. Wayne, however. That’s about an hour’s drive one-way down I-69. That means that 21-year-old young man was setting aside not one hour, but three hours, in his commitment to visit with his Lord.

    Can you give 1/3 of what he did?