August 2024 Business Meeting Minutes

Knights of Columbus St Michael Council #11445

12 August 2024


Grand Knight LaMorte called regular business meeting to order at 7:33pm and proceeded with opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

A motion was made to waive reading and approve the minutes of the prior meeting, which was seconded and passed by voice vote without objections.


Chaplain’s Report – not present

Grand Knight (Michael LaMorte):

  1. Congratulated newly ordained Deacon Fidel Pitones, who briefly spoke about answering his call and thanking the Knights for an example of faith.
  2. Discussed the Knight’s role within the Church Militant (not the Church Penitent, and Church Triumphant), and our job is to serve on the front lines in our worldly culture
  3. Introduction of the Fraternal Year Plan, need to rely on each other, help each other and trust in each other (see handout)
  4. First major event is an estate planning seminar, more info to follow
  5. Mentioned the liquor wagon fund raiser at the Festival

Financial Secretary (Matt DeCenzo):

  1. Grand Knight read the report (see enclosed)

A motion was made to approve the bills as read, which was seconded and passed by voice vote without objection.


  1. This past Monday we brought three new members into Council:


Family Director (Sean Murray)

  1. Brother Gross reported that we have planned a pancake breakfast this Sunday after 8:30 and 10:30am masses

Council Director (John Greve)

  1. Not Present/No Report

Faith Director (Bill Hinger)

  1. Not Present/No Report

Life Director (Wayne Lovely)

  1. Grand Knight reported that Brother Lovely is arranging Aid and Support After Pregnancy collections at upcoming masses in September,
  2. Columbus Buddy Walk, a fundraiser sponsored by Down Syndrome
  3. Brother Kociba reported on plans to support Special Olympics, and methods to support athletes as opposed to the infrastructure of events

Community Director (Alex Jamison)

  1. Brother Jamison reported on plans for service projects at INPREM Hollistic Community Resource Center (see attached)
  2. Other service events forthcoming

Fish Fry Committee Chairmen (Chris Fricke)

  1. No Report

Report on the 4th Degree (Tony Matlack)

  1. Proceeding to get jewels and other materials in setup

Scholarship Committee Chairman (John Greve)

  1. Not Present/No Report

Measure Up

  1. No Report


  1. Details forthcoming regarding Faith by Fireside event for August

Chancellor’s Report on Vocations (Tom Messina)

  1. No Report

Field Agent’s Report

  1. Not Present/No Report

District Deputy Report

  1. 1295 Semiannual audit needs to be submitted promptly
  2. Fraternal Benefits e-mail has been forwarded, and a few benefits have changed, and some benefits are better for insurance members, including:
    1. $5,000 if a family has a stillborn child
    2. $5,000 for child who dies before 61 days
    3. orphans of fathers who were insurance members get $500/mo to age 18 and $5,000/year, up to $20,000 for college
  3. These three days are a series of days honoring Father McGivney, including his birthday, his feast day, and the day he passed.




  1. A motion was made for a second vote for Brother Gissel to assume role of Advocate, which was seconded and carried unanimously by voice vote without objection.
  2. A motion was made to approve expenditure up to $500 in expenses for the Fraternal Benefits and estate planning event, which was seconded and carried unanimously by voice vote without objection.

LECTURER’S REFLECTION was given by Brother Richard Wade (see attached)


  1. For continued healing of Deacon Bill Demidovich, and Tony Schera
  2. Repose of soul of father of Brother John Greve

Deacon Pitones led the Council in the Litany of Bl. Michael McGivney (enclosed)

ADJOURN at 8:13pm

August 2024 Minutes Attachments