Advent Challenge: Will You Adore Him 1 Hour?

Dear Brother Knights,

I’m writing you with an Advent Challenge –

I need your help – we regularly have 3 night hours in our Adoration Chapel
without a regular adorer leading us to scramble week-to-week. The hours are:

1. Wednesday 12:00 a.m.
2. Wednesday 1:00 a.m.
3. Thursday 4:00 a.m.

The season of Advent and (K)night hours are the perfect time to keep vigil
with Jesus.

You don’t have to commit every week. I’m asking you to consider taking one
of these hours during Advent. If we are so blessed to get a few knights to
commit to one of these hours once per month, we’ll have it covered. Take it
to Jesus in prayer. Is he asking you to make a Holy Hour with him? If so,
click on the link below.

Yours in Christ,
