Upcoming Events and Outreach

Hi Brothers,

There are a couple of events coming up I wanted to share with you. Please
prayerfully consider joining!

1) Corporate Communion Sunday: tomorrow don’t forget we will have donuts,
coffee, milk and OJ in the undercroft after 10:30 Mass.

2) Canvassing to vote no on issue 1: Monday at 5 and the following Monday
we will host official events. Really, this is so important for Ohio that
we should all pray hard, pray often, and hit the ground talking to
neighbors, family, anyone in Ohio. For canvassing I’d like to get a head
count since we will provide food. Please volunteer!

Also, see the attached 1 pager and please use it. Thanks brother LaMorte
for compiling this. Polling shows we are slowly gaining momentum. Let’s
put our foot on the gas and not let down.


3) Refreshments for Holy Hour and Adoration night: TBD but I will reach out
asking for volunteer help to bring Refreshments. We will also encourage
all Knights to attend , and this will serve as our family prayer night

Thank you all, for all you do for the parish and our council. Have a
blessed Saturday!
