Critical election information

Brother Knights,

I am going to send you a series of attachments with information about the
upcoming election. Please take the time to read the documents and pray on
how you may best serve to help defeat this amendment in November.

We must ask ourselves, what are we willing to do? How can we help? Pray on
it, brothers, and let us come together as a group to help defeat this

The first attachment is the actual ballot language for issue 1. This is
public information from the Secretary of State website.

The second attachment is the amendment language for issue 1 as it will be
written into the Ohio Constitution IF issue 1 passes. This too is public
information from the Secretary of State website.

The third attachment has lines and arrows. This one-pager from the American
Policy Roundtable helps you and I understand how the issue 1 Constitutional
amendment will be interpreted IF passed.

The fourth attachment is the eleven page legal analysis from Alliance
Defending Freedom which brings to light additional significant issues that
need to be fully thought through.

The fifth attachment is the dignity of life Flyer (where does the amendment
say that) from the Ohio Catholic Conference of Bishops (OCCB).

The sixth attachment is also from the Ohio Catholic Conference of Bishops
(OCCB) it’s a page of FAQ’s.

May we share this information.
This information will help others to understand how broadly this language
is written and how harmful the impact of this interpretation will affect us
if passed — overriding:
a. many of our current laws that protect women’s health and safety
b. the heart beat bill (even though currently in a “stay”) and taking
abortion all the way to the point of birth protections for the baby,
c. those laws that currently require parental consent which protect
parental rights.
Knowing how radically this will be interpreted IF passed will help with
their/our understanding and consideration as to the importance of defeating
this proposed amendment to Ohio’s Constitution. Vote No on Issue 1 November