Corporate Communion – Sun, Feb 19

I got next month covered. But can we please get some folks to cover future months? We shouldn’t have a single person covering this every time. It is a low commitment activity and is a great way for families to socialize and strengthen bonds after mass. These are little things that have outsized impacts on our community and our church. 
Brother Knights,

A reminder that this Sunday we will have Corporate Communion with 10:30 AM Mass.
Also, I’m looking for volunteers for future months to take care of the donuts, coffee, etc.  Here is the link to sign up:
Although I have this Sunday covered, so far I am batting 0.000 with getting folks to step up and take donut responsibility for a future Sunday.  (Coincidentally, this is the same batting average I had in Little League.)  I can provide the list of instructions to anyone who has not done it before.  Very easy and you will be reimbursed for the food expenses.
Thanks in advance for volunteering and we’ll see you on Sunday.