Action Alert – Biden HHS Targets Pregnancy Centers


Please see below and generate a response to help here .

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From: Greater Columbus Right to Life <>

Subject: Action Alert – Biden HHS Targets Pregnancy Centers
To: <>

Help us respond by 12.1.23
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Biden HHS Targets Pregnancy Centers

Ever feel like it never ends?

It was my plan to send out an email thanking all who have donated to help
us these past few months and to invite you to give this Giving Tuesday to
pro-life organizations, including Greater Columbus Right to Life. You can
still do that, and please do, here

Year-end giving is a major part of our operating budget, so whether it is a
one-time gift or if you need to think about retirement distributions or
would like to work with a foundation or legacy gift – we appreciate your
consideration and your investment in our work.

I’ve deleted that entire email, because the Biden Administration has
continued its all-out assault on anyone who has pro-life values. This time
it is transparently targeting Ohio law and Ohio pregnancy centers.

I’ve spent the bulk of today drafting a backgrounder on this proposed
federal rule change and the Ohio law it would impact. If you would like to
get into the details, you can read them here

The purpose of this email is to ask for your help opposing the rule by
December 1st (that is this Friday).

Here is a synopsis of what is going on.

The federal government funds a program called Temporary Assistance to Needy
Families (TANF), intended as short-term programs to help families that are
having trouble meeting their needs. Historically, the federal government
has let states provide the direction, guidance, and allocate dollars to the
program in the form of grants – assuming certain broad standards are met,
states have had wide discretion on how to use them.

Ohio uses those funds in a variety of ways. One program, the Ohio Parenting
and Pregnancy (OPP) program allows pregnancy help centers and other
eligible entities to apply for grants that fund specific things like
material aid, parenting information, and more to pregnant women and to
families with a child up to one year of age.

In Ohio, pregnancy centers have consistently demonstrated positive
outcomes. Because of that, the Governor and lawmakers have increased the
OPP funds available to about $7 million a year. It is a lot of money – but
it is only a fraction of TANF funds and only a fraction of the value
pregnancy help organizations are contributing to our communities.

In response, the Biden Administration has published a proposed rule that
specifically calls out pregnancy help centers as “likely” not meeting the
standard to qualify for TANF.

This is a blatantly political move which has become hallmark of their
relentless fight against anyone who does not support abortion on demand
through the entirety of pregnancy. Just like their efforts to make the
abortion pill widely available without medical supervision, women and
children will suffer.

Even setting aside the good work that pregnancy centers do and this
unconstitutional and deliberate attempt to silence pro-life voices, it is a
shocking attack on the long-held program objectives that allows state
leaders to design and fund programs that work best for their states.

We MUST fight back

I spent most of today (Monday) sounding the alarm to pro-life, policy, and
political leaders, putting together background information, and creating an
action portal. Now I need your help to generate the comments that we need
if we have any chance for this rule to be re-written.

We have several specific ways that anyone can help, and we have made it as
easy as possible. The first is to visit our website
review the background information, and submit your own comment to HHS. The
deadline is close of business on Friday, December 1st. You can do this
whether you are an individual or an organization leader, and even if you
want to stay (mostly) anonymous.

If you are a church or organization leader or if you are an elected
official, please also sign the letter that GCRTL is submitting. Feel free
to do this even if you draft your own letter using our materials. We’ll
continue to add content that might be helpful as it is available – this is
a quickly moving process! You can preview the letter, sign on, and even
upload your logo (if applicable) on our website

Note that at this time, I am asking individuals to submit a comment on
their own rather than just sign onto (or copy and paste) ours. We want to
generate a large number of comments asking HHS to reconsider this part of
the rule, and the more unique and substantial comments the better and the
more likely they are to be considered. There are tips and step-by-step
information on our website.

I recently told a reporter
the relentless attacks on pregnancy help centers illustrate the hypocrisy
of abortion advocates. They are willing to spend millions to guarantee
abortion through all nine-months of pregnancy, but seek to defund and
defame anyone who seeks to help someone who has chosen life for her unborn
child. And these relentless attacks will continue to escalate the
increasing violence against pregnancy centers, pro-life groups, and

We need to continue to respond with firm resolve and stand up for what is
right. Visit our portal and take action before Friday.

Issue 1 – What Next? Yard Signs

On a more practical note, many of you have yard signs. If you happened to
place any in a public right of way (or if you happen to see one someone
else put out), please help us by taking them down.

Depending on your area, you may be able to recycle the plastic sleeves.
Generally regular recycling will not take them, but they can be recycled
with plastic bags. Availability of recycling for the metal stakes is mixed;
check with your municipality.

However, if you would like to keep your sign, we will have an “upcycle”
opportunity. We’ll release the design in our next email!
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