SIGN UP NOW – Measure Up, Saturday April 23, 8am-4pm


This year’s Measure Up Street Collection is Saturday April 23, from 8:00am
to 4:00pm on the corner of SR 161 and N. High Street (The Worthington
Village Green).

Thanks again to Brother LaMorte for setting up the online sign ups
<> – Everyone needs
to click on the link to sign up for an available shift. We really need
everyone – they’re short, they’re simple, and it’s legalized jaywalking! In
seriousness, Chris Damo really took heart in this event to actually show
our charitable works outside our church walls.

As in past years, we’ll be setting up a small “rest” area on the green
where we’ll have coffee/etc in the morning, and sandwiches for lunch. We’ll
also be sorting/counting the money there, which is great for those who
can’t be on their feet for long periods of time.

Attached is the waiver form
<> – you
cannot enter the sidewalk/roadway unless we have a signed form submitted to
the City in time for them to issue you a permit with your name on it. The
City doesn’t charge for the permits, so PLEASE, if you think you might show
up, get me a waiver (scanned signatures are fine). You can also bring/sign
at the business meeting Monday night.

For those new members, Measure Up is our State K of C’s signature project
to raise funds for people with developmental disabilities. Our own Council
distributes 80% of the funds we collect, and the remaining 20% is
distributed by the State organization – yes, ALL funds collected go to
charities. The City has denied our permit for the last two years because of
Covid and other reasons, so we’re really excited to be back!

Please sign up, sign a waiver, and help us measure up! See you when we hit
the streets!

Tom Schmitt