Fourth Degree Assembly Formation Meeting (3/21)

Brothers, Please see information below concerning the new 4th degree

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From: Brett Gissel <" >>

Subject: Fourth Degree Assembly Formation Meeting (3/21)
To: <" >>, <" >>, <" >>,
Christopher Hoffman <" >>

Worthy Grand Knights,
I had hoped to get this information to you sooner, but I am passing it on
now as the date and location for a meeting has been finalized. Please
forward this to your council membership.

We are starting a new Fourth Degree Assembly that, as I understand, will be
responsible for councils 11445 (St. Michael), 14282 (Our Lady of Peace),
14962 (Immaculate Conception), and 15009 (Josephinum). The *initial
formation meeting will be held at 6:15 p.m. on Monday, March 21 in the
Lower Meeting Room at St. Michael*. At this meeting we will go over the
Fourth Degree in general, assembly name, charter officers for the assembly,
and meeting dates. The meeting will end at about 7:15 p.m. as the council
meeting will follow at 7:30 p.m. Anything that is not covered at this
meeting will have to be done at a later meeting if needed.

An exemplification of the Fourth Degree is also being planned for Monday,
April 25 in the evening at St. Michael. This is the anniversary of the
date our Brother Knight Chris Damo passed away in 2015. Chris served as
District Deputy for some of our councils, Color Corps Commander for
Assembly 2380, was involved in many activities involving veterans, and was
named Sir Knight of the year for the Father Hennepin Province. His name
has been suggested as a possible name for the assembly and the
exemplification is being planned for this date.

Please forward this to your council membership. The meeting is open to all
Brother Knights whether they are currently Fourth Degree, considering
joining the Fourth Degree, or just want to learn more.

Thank you,
Brett Gissel