Help Needed For Return To Public Mass At St. Michael

Brother Knights,
This email is being sent from the Parish Pastoral Council to many parish
organizations. Please read and consider what you can do.

We are excited with the potential opportunity to begin masses soon in the
Diocese of Columbus! We have missed being able to be together, and we have
been praying for you during this time. When Masses resume, we want to be
prepared to create a safe and healthy environment for all who can attend
Mass. With this in mind, we want to invite you to participate in this
effort through volunteering to help greet, clean, and prepare the space for
the community. Currently, we are simply trying to gauge the amount of
volunteers who are willing to support the parish in this way. If this is
you, please fill out the form below:

More details will be given to you once we have them! If you are in an
at-risk group, you are under 18 or over 70, or if you do not feel safe
being a part of the cleaning process, please do not feel the need to
volunteer. We want to keep everyone, especially the vulnerable, safe and

Thank you!

Brett Gissel