At this month’s business meeting, Brother Knight Fidel Pitones announced that after much prayerful consideration he has decided, with the support of his family, to begin the Theology of the Diaconate Program at the Josephinum. After he completes and passes that course, he can register at PCJ and take the remaining 5 diaconate classes. Once he completes those classes then he can apply for the diaconate in July 2020.
Please keep brother Pitones and his family in your prayers as he moves forward with answering God’s call.
Clarification – Fidel emailed me to clarify how the process works:
The 6 courses are pre-reqs. These courses are required as I discern the diaconate. After I complete the courses I can apply for the diaconate program. If accepted I go through another 3 years of classes and formation. Ordination would be 2024.